Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

1. How Do I place an order?

  • Shopping at La Vicenza is hassle-free. When browsing through our website, once you have found the item you like, choose your size, and quantity, and click on the “Add to Cart” button on the product page.
  • Review the items in your shopping bag by clicking on the “Shopping cart” option provided at the top of the page. You can simply add or remove any items before checking out.
  • Click on “Proceed to Buy” to complete your order.

2. Do I need to set up an account to place an order?

You can shop at La Vicenza without creating an account.

3. How do I create an account at La Vicenza?

Click on “Create an account” available on the login/Register page, you will then be promoted to a page on which you will be required to fill out personal details to create your account.

4. How do I edit my details once the account is made?

You can edit your details by simply clicking on the “My Account” tab.

5. Is my personal information kept private?

La Vicenza is committed to ensuring that your personal information is kept private and confidential, and at no point will it be shared with a third party. For more information, please read our “Privacy Policy” in detail.

6. What if I forgot my password?

Click on “Forgot your Password” available at the login/Register page, enter your email address and click on ‘Reset Password’. A set of directives will be sent to your registered email ID to reset your password. After your credentials are verified, you can create a new password.

7. What payment methods does La Vicenza accept?

Currently, the following payment methods are accepted:

  • Cash on Delivery (For the domestic clients only)
  • Online payment

8. How will I track the status of my order?

To know the status of your order you can simply click on the “track order” option or you can contact our customer service.

9. Can I get the product customized to my size?

Yes. La Vicenza provides a size customization option to its customers, you simply have to click on the “customize size” option available on the product page. You will then have two options, either you can click on ‘user defined size’ if you want your product to be exactly your size and enter all your measurements manually or if you don’t know your size you can use our algorithm to get your size customized by entering your height (in inches) and weight (in kgs).

10. Can I change or cancel my order once it has been placed?

Before your purchases have been prepared for shipment we can cancel an item, change the size, or edit your billing and shipping details. Online payment-based orders can only be cancelled within one week once placed. Please take note that, we’ll be unable to merge orders or add pieces to the existing order once it has been placed.

11. How do I return or exchange an order?

We don’t accept any exchange or return under normal circumstances. In rare instances, that a faulty, damaged, or incomplete item was delivered to you, you can contact our customer service. For further information, please read our “Return & Exchange” policy.

12. Will I be refunded the full amount of my order?

No, we do not offer any refunds. We do, however, give online store credit of the same value which you can use at a later date to purchase something from us. Please take note, this does not include shipping costs.

13. How do I buy a gift card?

La Vicenza currently does not offer any Gift Card/Loyalty Card program.

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